The Definition of Child Sex Trafficking

What is Child Sex Trafficking?

It occurs when a child under 18 is involved in a commercial sex act. Even if a child believes it was his or her choice, they are a victim, and an adult or perpetrator is exploiting their vulnerabilities.

The definition: The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, or advertising of minor child for a commercial sex act, which involves the exchange of anything of value– such as money, drugs, or a place to stay –for sexual activity.

A child cannot consent to sex with an adult.

Also called modern-day SEX SLAVERY or HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

Traffickers don’t discriminate. Every child is at risk – both boys and girls.

With the globalization of the internet and the international reach of 21st-century criminal networks, offenders know no borders.

Americans have a serious misconception that human trafficking is strictly an international problem.


$9.8 BILLION thriving industry. #2 to drugs.

MORE PROFITABLE THAN DRUGS. Unlike drugs which are a 1X sale, children can be sold over and over again, even in the same night.

Traffickers commonly sell girls for $400 an hour.

Boys 7 to 11 command the highest dollar.

Lifetime sex slavery costs of a youth sex trafficking victim in Texas is $83,125.*

* University of Texas 2016 Study