The Fast

To be perfectly honest, the reason I wanted to create this fast was that I need it.

Life is moving at lightning speed, summer will be here before I know it and I want to peel back the busyness and have some intentional quiet time with the Lord.

I’m so desperate for some margin in my life, I can barely breathe.

You too?

My team is right there with me—we all need this fast.

So, what do we have in store for you?

Simply, a daily devotion sent to your inbox.

What’s the time commitment? (that would be my first question)

Each morning, set aside 5 minutes to just read and reflect.

They are not long –intentionally. Read and reflect which perhaps means that you take out your bible and highlight the verses or maybe it means you close your eyes and soak His truth into the marrow of your weary bones.

Hi, I’m tired, can you tell?

Notice your attitude.

Whatever you’ve chosen to fast from, use those urges or the angst you feel when you can’t satisfy that urge to cry out to God. 

We all joke and say things like “I will die without sugar for 40 days!” But, if sugar (or wine, shopping, scrolling Instagram mindlessly or whatever) has that much weight in our lives, we are in deep trouble.

Right now, despite feeling desperate for this fast, I do NOT want to give up personal shopping.

I am loathing the idea of it.

I recognize it’s a stronghold and bad habit and I don’t want to be that way! It just confirms that I should fast from it because it is such a stronghold for me.

I want to live my life with my palms open–not holding onto anything– so God can fill me up with HIS glory. That is what I crave more than anything else, but I’m too self-absorbed and stuck in the hamster wheel of distractions and bad habits. 

I want to be intentional and instead of seeing something I want and boom, I’ve bought in the blink of an eye. (Dear husband, please don’t read this).

It’s hard though–I recognize that! Even typing this out makes me have a mini anxiety attack, especially when I think of all the times I mindlessly buy books or things on Amazon without even thinking twice about it.

Bottom line:

Fasting is all about having a relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

We’re busy, addicted, obsessed, and distracted. Unless we get off that hamster wheel and spend some time resting in His presence, we’ll miss the great opportunities He has for us.

In our busyness (addiction, obsession, distraction) we will miss Him.

He wants to be the CENTER of our lives, not just a small sliver when we’re sick or desperate. He wants the all day every day.

James 4:8,Jeremiah 29:12-14​​

Jesus died for our sins. Even though we don’t deserve it, God gives us GRACE and salvation when we accept Jesus as our Savior.

That’s a pretty big deal and worth giving up something that may be in the way of that intimacy, right?

If you want to join us, please sign up here. We would love to have you!

The beLydia fast starts March 12th and ends on Easter!

beLydia 40 Day fast--a free fast to practice spiritual discipline with a group of Believers. Join us!
Join the beLydia 40 Day Spiritual Discipline Fast