Open Hearts Retreat

Last year, when everyone had left Open Hearts and we were still cleaning up, we just looked at each other with wide-eyes and all thought the same thing: WHAT WAS THAT?

We didn’t know what we were doing but trusted that God would show up, and He did.

The feedback and testimonies were amazing and again, ALL God. There was a consistent desire, especially from the high school girls, to make it longer next time. More bible journaling, small groups, and information on the dangers of sex trafficking.

We listened!

We are so excited to be able to invite high school girls to our Open Hearts RETREAT!


Friday, April 26th (5 pm) until Sunday, April 28th (10:30), at Camp Buckner in Burnet, Texas.

Will we have worship? YES! Will we have games? YES! Will we have small group time? YES! Will we have bible journaling? YES! You’ll learn about sex trafficking in a Kingdom-focused way. You’ll learn more about spiritual warfare, prayer, anxiety, rest, spending time alone with God, drawing closer to God and so much more!

AND….you can wear comfortable clothes the entire weekend. HELLO!


Our theme for the retreat is HEARTS ON FIRE.

What does that mean? We’ll discuss Jeremiah whose heart was on fire for the Lord and how we can also be on fire for Him. We know it’s not always easy to feel that way, especially as a teenager, so we’ll talk about what happens when that fire goes out and how to reignite it again.

We have the most adorable speakers who are STRONG and faithful believers in Jesus. Ashley and Taylor from Coffee & Bible Time!

Open Hearts Retreat speakers, Taylor and Ashley from Coffee and Bible Time


Thanks to our incredibly generous beLydia Backers, this entire retreat is paid for–PRAISE God! Yes! It is FREE to attend! However, we require a $150 deposit that will be refunded within 30 days after the retreat IF your daughter goes.

We have a cancellation policy in case something comes up.


You can register for the Open Heart Retreat and find out more information by clicking here.


If you’re a young woman in college who is a believer in Jesus Christ and interested in being a small group leader, please apply here.