beLydia's 52 Sabbath Challenge

My Meaningful Goal: 52 Sabbath Delights in 2019

 Have you ever had an amazing Sabbath where you actually rested, fully worshiped God and came away feeling just saturated in the Holy Spirit?

I have. Once. One epic Sabbath that made me realize just how necessary it is, not just spiritually but mentally and physically as well

I’ve had enjoyable Sabbaths where I came home from church and spent a few hours in my pajamas. I thought that was heaven! Until that one time where I actually felt transformed.

Now that was heaven

Most of my Sabbaths involve some rest but are also days where I run to Target or Trader Joe’s or do laundry and other things that aren’t necessarily awful but indeed are not restful.

Or I’ve spent Sabbath days online. Facebook, Twitter or Instagram…scrolling, scrolling feeling drained and depressed and anything but nourished–more habit than anything

I realize this is the time of year we all make epic goals for the new year—losing those last 10 pounds, exercising 5 days a week, planning our meals instead of relying on fast food, expanding our business, the list goes on and on.

I love all those goals. Setting goals and working on them and growing from the whole process of stretching myself in order to meet those goals, I love all of that.

But what if the best way to accomplish your goals is to take one day a week to rest? Would you be able to do that? Would you be willing to risk not getting something done?


In order for me to really get the benefit of a Sabbath Delight, I need to trust that if I give up that one day in order to rest, I will still be able to accomplish everything I need to on the other six days of the week.

Bottom line, I have to trust that God will give me the strength, clarity, wisdom, perseverance, and everything else I need so I can do the big things He’s calling me to do.

I’m all in for this goal. I’ll do my best to prepare ahead of time so I’m not running around on my Sabbath days. The day of the week will vary depending on obligations—most likely Saturday or Sunday.

I can’t wait to see what happens! Are you in?

A 52 week Sabbath Challenge on


  1. Gina

    For the last year, I’ve struggled some with Sabbath keeping the way God intends for us to do. I love this post. It serves as a reminder that I need to trust God more! All the “other” stuff can wait till later in the week. Thank you for reminding me what Sabbath is for!

  2. Jaime Wiebel

    This is such an important thing, after all God created rest and showed us great examples of getting away for that restoration. I try to save my Sunday afternoons, after church, for rest and time with my family with little distractions.

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