March Goals

Not to pat myself on the back but it’s unusual for me to stick with something like this! Normally, I’m all gung-ho in the beginning and then lose interest.

I typically try to work on goals throughout the year but lose focus early on and so far, I’m doing ok at keeping myself on track (I realize it’s only March).

TIME MANAGEMENT: Simplify to be more productive

March update: I am still (desperately) trying to simplify my life!

One major change for me is to put my phone on Do Not Disturb after 5 pm. and that’s been a blessing so I will keep doing that.

If I do not check my calendar in the morning, I will miss appointments.

HEALTH: To be in the best health of my life for my kids and grandkids

March update: I started Keto about two weeks ago and it has really helped my fibromyalgia. Yes, I got the horrible Keto Flu (and food poisoning on top of that) but I can just tell that my body feels better on this diet.

Still doing Tabata (sort of) but really need to walk more.

My goal is to walk 3 miles a day, so by the end of March, I will have walked 93 miles.

HOME: Peace, calm and rest

February update: I’m slowly getting rid of things I don’t need or want which helps tremendously in simplifying my life. Most of my stress comes from having too much stuff (from paperwork to clothes to food to kitchen gadgets).

PEACE, for me, comes from not having a lot of stuff around. That peaceful feeling that comes the minute you open up a hotel room, that’s what I’m going for here.

I started on the playroom storage. It’s an enormous job and really, if I was smart, I would just plow through and get it done in a weekend. But, I’ll do some work, get distracted and then a week later do a little more (and get distracted and so on…).

My goal is to finish the playroom by the end of March (scares me to type that) and also redo the pantry (we still have too much stuff).

FUN: Find the joy in life and share it

March update: Again, I have not tried once to do the splits, so taking that off my list (see, I’m trying to simplify!).

I have a personal trip planned next week and a family trip planned for Spring Break!

FAMILY: Make each moment matter

March update: I want to get my family photos organized. It’s a massive goal for me and in February, I did nothing.

My goal is to a) remove the photos on my phone (I updated to Google photos and Flickr and can’t figure out how to get them off my iPhone) and b) start printing 2018 photos.

FINANCES: Be a good steward and live for the Kingdom, not the world

March update: I am doing better! BUT, I still have a long way to go. Are you joining our 40-day Fast? Well, I am fasting from personal spending. Which, oh my goodness, HELP ME, JESUS!

SPIRITUAL: Grow closer to the Lord

March update: I am loving the Bible study that one of our board members sent me, Experiencing God by Henry & Richard Blackaby and Claude King. I LOVE it! I look forward to working on it each day.

Fasting: Please join our 40-day Fast! It’s free, and you’ll receive a daily devotion, and we’ll have a private FB group for those that want accountability and fellowship.

Sabbath Delight—YES! Still enjoying my Sabbaths. I just love going to church and then putting on my pajamas. It’s the highlight of my entire week.

Honestly, I desperately need the Sabbath for my mental health.

How are you doing on your goals?

March Goals on! Join our 40-day fast
March Goals on! Join our 40-day fast