Sex Trafficking is Happening In Texas and No One is Talking About It

Wait, there’s child sex trafficking happening in Texas?

I can’t imagine anyone not having a broken heart when you hear about a little girl or boy in a faraway country being sold into sex trafficking (sex slavery-same thing).

It is AWFUL. Painful. Sickening.

But when it’s in your backyard, it’s a different kind of awful.

When I had my dream last March and woke up the next morning to a “download from the Holy Spirit” on how to help raise awareness about sex trafficking, I had no idea that it was happening in the United States.

Once I realized it was not only happening in my country but my state of Texas is rated #2 in the NATION for sex trafficking, I knew I had to do something.

“Wait, there’s child sex trafficking in Texas?”

As I started to learn more about sex trafficking and I heard dozens and dozens and dozens of cases happening here in Texas, I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS.

beLydia is talking and we won’t shut up.  We are bringing it up at every opportunity and trying to create awareness.

We get the same reaction from everyone we talk to: “Wait, there’s child sex trafficking in Texas?”

The numbers in the infographic by IDVSA are frankly mind-blowing but what makes them even worse is that they are probably a drop in the bucket. There is no way to know how many children are trafficked–it’s impossible to know.

So, why isn’t this being talked about? Why isn’t this a conversation that every family, every school, every church, every talk show or news program is having?

If we were able to shine a light on this darkness we could make a difference.

More importantly, if everyone talked about this openly, we would know what to watch for in our kids or our neighbor’s kids. Our eyes would be opened on airplanes or even in the parking lot at the grocery store. We would look with compassion on that girl or boy who is living on Cheetos and Red Bull, minimal sleep,  maximum stress and maybe not thinking clearly in school or acting out.

Questions would be asked and lives could be saved because our eyes would be open to this.

Why aren’t we talking about this?

Child sex trafficking is going on in Texas and every single state in America and we need to start talking about it NOW.

I spent half of my life in California and it is rated #1 in the nation. Why isn’t anyone talking about that?

Florida, known for the beautiful beaches and Disney World is rated #3 in the nation for sex trafficking. Why isn’t anyone talking about that?

Top 3 states for Human Trafficking:

  • California
  • Texas
  • Florida

The only way to change what is going on is to talk about it openly, therefore let’s start talking. Right now. Today.

It’s a tough subject, believe me, I know. Every time I talk about it I feel pain in my gut and my heart hurts. My head hurts. Talking about it hurts. But think of how much it hurts a child that is raped by ten strangers every night and wondering why no one is talking about it.






Child sex trafficking is happening and no one is talking about it.

Human Trafficking