Human Trafficking Awareness Day

It should not surprise me that there is actually a day set aside on the calendar to recognize Human Trafficking but yet, it does.

I mean, how crazy is our world that selling people is a problem and we have to set aside a day to bring attention to it?

I think the word “trafficking” does a disservice however. Trafficking, to me, implies the moving of people and yes, that does happen but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

Human Trafficking is slavery. You’re selling another person and/or forcing them to do something against their will or tricking them into doing something.

It should be called Human Slavery Day.

Human Trafficking Slavery encompasses more than sex trafficking, it also includes labor trafficking. The two often go hand-in-hand.

Two of the survivors we have been working with both were not only forced to be raped by strangers, they were forced to clean.

And unlike cleaning in our homes, you can imagine the kind of disgusting places they were having to clean up. Rat-infested, garbage dump kind of hell-holes.

And for what? Because someone decided they could make money off of them and that they didn’t matter as a human being.

It’s unreal.

Yet, it is real.

I’m not an expert (obviously). I’m just a mom who loves kids. I would much prefer not to do this because public speaking gives me anxiety. I want to stay home and read books and go to lunch with my friends and not have to talk about the raping of children.

Then God completely broke my heart over this.

I just can’t live the same life I was living, head in the sand, completely unaware of this whole other world that is happening right in front of me.

If you read this post, please pray about helping us spread awareness. We are making it easy to become a beLydia Backer and would love for you to join us in this fight.

A beLydia Backer is someone that supports our ministry to prevent child sex trafficking. For only $10 a month or more, you’re supporting the Luminary program where we are helping mentor survivors so they don’t go back into “the life.”

You’re supporting our Youth Program where we share the Gospel and help educate teens on the dangers of sextortion and sex trafficking.

As a beLydia Backer, you’re also increasing awareness by supporting the Community Awareness program where we speak to churches, PTAs, and other large groups.

You can sign up here with a monthly donation of whatever amount you feel called to donate.

We’re all in this together. Thank you for being a blessing.

Human Trafficking Awareness Day. beLydia is a nonprofit that prevents child sex trafficking. Will you help us?

Human Trafficking Awareness Day. beLydia is a nonprofit that prevents child sex trafficking. Will you help us?