I have never been one of those people who knew exactly what they were supposed to do from birth.
I have a cousin who has always known that she would be a nurse. I’ve always admired that about her because I, personally, had no clue what I wanted to do. What I have come to realize is two things:
1. Maybe God does not show some of us what His purpose is in one piece because if He did we might run when we see the magnitude!
2. When we don’t know exactly what His purpose is we may be much more open and willing to serve as He needs.
I am not saying that everyone who is confident about their path in life is unwilling, but rather, all of us can rest in knowing that He knows and that is enough.
God will reveal things in His time.
The truth that God has given me is the answer to the question: How do you discover God’s purpose for your life?
The answer? You just do what He instructs on a daily basis and He will get you there. He will open the right doors and make the right connections.
The definition of the word ‘discover’ is to find something unexpectedly or in the course of a search.
I am living proof of finding something unexpectedly. In the middle of living life beLydia came unexpectedly and He changed EVERYTHING.
This is the one thing that every member of beLydia has in common. He called when we least expected it. We were imperfect, broken and unprepared when we answered.
He didn’t call us because we were equipped, He equipped us when He called.
As a control freak it is hard for me to sometimes recognize the blessing in not knowing what His purpose for my life is. Had I known that 2017 would bring a breast cancer diagnosis I would have skipped the year!
The good thing is that He knew and was already putting things in place for this year long before I took my first breath.
My prayer for each of you is that you recognize the blessing in not understanding His purpose yet but rest in knowing that He is at work putting things into place.
If God has not revealed His purpose for your life yet: pray, walk life out and get excited with the knowledge that it is going to happen unexpectedly!
photo by Henri Pham