January 2018 Goals

Setting goals, dreaming big, being intentional, cultivating what matters. These are all the things I’m working on in my personal life and for beLydia.

Having taken a month off on blogging and posting on social media to give me clarity on what path to take in 2018, I’m excited about what God has placed in front of me.

I did a couple of things during December that played a role in finally finding direction and I thought I would share them here with y’all.
1. Prayed and rested in the liminal space of not knowing.
2. Signed up and completed Bob Goff’s Dream Big Framework online course.
3. Wrote out my goals in my PowersSheets.
4. Decided on my One Word.

Prayer, Rest & Liminal Space

“Limina” is the Latin word for threshold, the space betwixt and between. Liminal space, therefore, is a unique spiritual position where human beings hate to be but where the biblical God is always leading them. It is when you have left the “tried and true” but have not yet been able to replace it with anything else. It is when you are finally out-of-the-way. It is when you are in between your old comfort zone and any possible new answer. It is no fun. Think of Israel in the desert, Joseph in the pit, Jonah in the belly, the three Marys tending the tomb.- Richard Rohr

Liminal Space for me is where I finally let go, almost always after experiencing utter fatigue and frustration, and then I just wait. I unclench my fists, relax my jaw and stop coming up with answers.

The Liminal Space is when you are at a crossroads and truly have no idea which path to take so you look up and say “I give up. You choose.”  I rest and listen and then move forward.

Aside: This is what happened to me when I quit my business as a health coach essentially overnight, shut everything down and just waited. Three months later I had my beLydia dream.

Setting Goals, Dreaming Big, Being Intentional & Cultivating What Matters

Dream Big

Who doesn’t love Bob Goff? He is completely inspiring and crazy and fun–all good things! As the author of Love Does, humanitarian and all around “best human on the planet” I look at Bob and think, “I want what he has.”

With that in mind, I signed up for Bob’s DREAM BIG Framework online course and absolutely LOVED it. What is even more exciting is that I signed up early and get to have a phone call with Bob about my dreams!

I had already set my goals in my PowerSheets however I realized how small my goals were (and yet, still out of my reach). Dream Big made me amplify them times 100 to make them REALLY BIG. So BIG, they could only happen with God.
The lessons were SO good and relevant, so I ended up upgrading and purchasing it for almost everyone in my family.


I love Lara Casey because she puts faith before profits and leads her company through obedience to the Lord. I love that, love her and love how the PowerSheets make you dig deeper on the why behind your goal.

2018 PowerSheets Collection became my 2017 Christmas gift for so many friends because I really love how focused they make you on setting and achieving goals.

As a visual learner, I LOVE Trello and was so happy to find this post by Val Marie Paper on how to use Trello with my PowerSheets.

One Word

I have chosen a word for each year since I think, 2012. Originally inspired by Ali Edwards, I’ve taken her One Word class several times but realized that I signed up for the courses but never actually did anything in them (that has been typical of most of the courses I’ve taken in my life). Now I just choose the word. For free.


My word for 2018 is Discipleship. I knew what it was in November but still prayed to make sure that was the one I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to choose. How do I know if it’s the Holy Spirit? I ask myself if it would glorify God and if it’s something that is my idea. For discipleship, it definitely will glorify God (assuming I get out-of-the-way) and it definitely is NOT my idea—I know this is more work for me and for my team but it’s something that God has planted in me for about a year.

The reason why it’s “my one word” versus just something I will work on is that I need to totally FOCUS on it to the point of putting blinders on so I don’t get distracted.

Our Open Hearts Teen Conference will be when we officially launch our Discipleship Program however for me personally, I know I need mentoring in business (as well as spiritually) just as much as I need to disciple someone else.


I love this time of year because I love setting goals and being intentional. The follow through is where I struggle. I’m all excited for a clean slate, ready to wipe away the cobwebs but then I fizzle out. How about you?

Wouldn’t it be great if we set the intention to do whatever we can to prevent sex slavery?

I think the best part about the PowerSheets is that you review your goals every quarter which is something I know will help me follow through.

Do you set goals and if so, how do you keep on track?

Setting Goals, Dreaming Big, Being Intentional & Cultivating What Matters
January Goals 2018