Christ lives in me and where He is, nothing that looks to hurt me can thrive.

(This post was originally published on October 1, 2017)

For some of you who are not familiar with me, my name is Christina and I am the Chief Operating Officer of beLydia. Exactly two weeks ago I saw my doctor about a lump that I found in my right breast. After seeing her, I began what felt like two of the worst weeks of my entire life.

After, a mammogram, two ultrasounds and a biopsy, the doctor’s report came back that I am under attack. Why am I not saying the “c” word? That word has always been forbidden in my family. About 8 years ago my niece was diagnosed (who is now healed and perfect) and the Lord let us know NEVER to speak that word.

A family member sent me a passage from a book where a Pastor said that not saying it doesn’t mean you are denying the disease, it is that you are denying that it lives in you. I do deny it lives in me. Why?

Because Christ lives in me and where He is, nothing that looks to hurt me can thrive.

I fully understand what the world sees this as but I simply see it as GONE.

The God that lives in me is sooooo much bigger than the LIAR who is trying to attack me.

I don’t know what this journey looks like but I do know that HE will be with me every step of the way. Here are three ways He has already shown me that:

  1. Since this journey began every nurse but one has been a believer and was there to be an encourager.
  2. I have had such overwhelming peace that surpasses all of my understanding.
  3. When the doctor gave me the report she may just as well have told me that I had the flu because the Holy Spirit in me was there to guard my heart.

I’m not saying this has been easy. No way! I have had breakdowns and been so angry I could not see straight but I now realize why I felt that way. It was because I was trying to perform this miracle but the miracle is not mine to perform. It is HIS.

No amount of prayer, fasting or anything will change this. I am in no way saying those things are not necessary because they are what keeps me able to breath right now, but I have one truth to hold onto: He is healing me because He loves me, not because of anything I can do.

One of the big questions we get asked at beLydia is “How can you do this all the time and not get depressed and down with all the darkness?”

Our answer has always been, “We can sit around and cry about it or we can FIGHT!”

That means more now than ever. Not only am I under attack but so is beLydia. We have decided not to sit around and cry about it, we are going to FIGHT.

Fight what?

The good fight of FAITH! We are not fighting satan, he is not good enough and does not deserve credit or time.

With this personal fight, I’m keeping myself in agreement with the TRUTH that the Lord has given me. The battle that wages is between my mind and my heart. I need to keep my mind from being under attack and keep peace in my heart.

When this all began, the Lord let me know that I had to share this journey with all of you because this was not just about me and what I’m learning, it is also about YOU! Our heroes!

I’m incredibly private and this is hard for me to put myself out there, but it’s worth it if even one of you finds encouragement or strength from me sharing my story.

I’d like all of you to stand in agreement with me that not only am I healed but that we see the end to this disease that aims to slow us down. Not just me but anyone who goes through this.

I don’t know what will come but I do know that He is GOD. I also KNOW that I am healed because HE said that no weapon formed against me would prosper.

NO weapons formed against me would prosper.

I am resting in that promise.

Yesterday He spoke to me and reminded me of something: When I received the report I was almost excited.  I thought to myself,  “Why am I almost excited??!!! What is wrong with me??!!!”

HE answered me saying “Because YOU aren’t, I AM and I am about to show you who I AM.”

I do not have to figure this all out, all I have to do is:


For more information on checking your breasts for lumps, visit Know Your Lemons.