Pornography predators are targeting our children.

Why do we keep talking about pornography? It’s because it’s the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.

Pornography predators are targeting our children.
Because they are the easiest to catch.

What’s their motivation?
Sex sells.

Porn is estimated to earn:

  • -2000- $2.6-$3.9 billion globally per year for all forms of porn
  • -2015- $3.3 billion per year just in the U.S. for Internet porn alone
  • -2015-136 billion porn videos watched globally in 1 year out of 4.1 billion Internet users

The more viewers, the more money.

Pornographers work tirelessly to “hook” all of us, but especially youth.

When you view pornography, dopamine is released. Dopamine is the chemical most responsible for feelings of pleasure so you will automatically want more of that feeling.

You become hooked because your brain is telling you it wants more and a new brain pathway is being formed. 

Mindblowing fact: A teen’s brain releases up to four times the dopamine as an adult.

According to Cambridge University, “Brains addicted to pornography light up in brain scans just like the cocaine addict’s brain.”

It’s then no surprise that our youth are targeted. A teen brain can more easily become addicted, especially to pornography, because their ability to rationally override their powerful emotions is still very much in the development stage.

And they are getting 4 times the load of the incredible feel-good chemical dopamine!

In other words, they aren’t given the choice of whether or not to react.

What are the consequences and why does beLydia care so much about this?

  • Young men addicted to porn are now incapable of having sex with real women including their wives.
  • Girls are addicted, not just boys.
  • Kids as young as 7 and 8 are so badly addicted to pornography that their parents have had to put them in therapy.
  • Their sexual brain pathways always choose pixels not people.
  • When you’re addicted to pornography, sexting is no big deal.
  • Forcing someone to have sex seems normal.

Sex trafficking and sextortion are fueled by pornography and so it makes sense for us to talk to kids and parents about this.
We PREVENT by sharing awareness.

We appreciate your support in helping us spread awareness!

Resources on pornography:

Fight the New Drug

The Connection Between Pornography and Sex Trafficking


Pornography predators are targeting our children.