7 Ways to Spice Up Your Bullet Journal with Bullet Journaling Examples

What does Bullet Journaling have to do with hospitality or preventing sex trafficking? For some of us on the beLydia team, we use Bullet Journaling to stay organized and inspired so we can get more done in the day. The fun part is that those of us that keep a bullet journal, all do it differently. We even use different notebooks! Some use a traditional notebook and others use a Leuchtturm 1917 A5 Dot-grid notebook while others use Passion Planner.

Whatever you use, bullet journaling is just a way to stay organized and unload what’s floating around in your mind so you can stop thinking about it and move on.

There is a vast Bullet Journaling community and even a Bullet Journal website that walks you through one way of journaling but our advice is to find a way to make it work for you. The whole point is to be organized and more efficient so if you’re spending too much time on it, you’re missing the whole point of having a BUJO!

Here are 7 ways to spice up your bullet journal and hopefully inspire you to start one!

1) Add a 5-year Goals Page

    It can feel easy to set goals a few days in advance, but giving yourself a five-year goals page can be reassuring when you hit a dead end in your career or creativity. Personally, I use my 5-year goals page to plan out my next several years as a student while still figuring out where I would like to be and what I want to spend my time discovering rather than sitting in anxiety for the duration of my college years!

2) A New Way to Label Books

     When I complete a new read in my bullet journal, I love to include 1-2 quotes beneath it that I took away from the book. Whether they were funny or meaningful, I think of it as my “souvenir” from traveling my imagination to the pages of a book for several weeks on end.

3) Travel Bucketlist

    A bucket list is one thing, but set aside a separate one to capture your wanderlust on paper. You never know when you’ll hear about a new place to visit, and looking at pages like National Geographic for suggestions on future trips is not only educational, but inspirational for the lady who can hardly keep her suitcase unpacked.

4) What’s On My Mind

    Sometimes, something can just be weighing on your conscience. Other times, you imagine a hysterical scenario while typing away at your home desk. Either way, it belongs on the “What’s On My Mind” page, and one of my favorite things to do with this resource is to go back and look on it every several days to focus on the things I need to pray for in my life and improve upon them.

5) Something I Created Page

    Did you come up with a new dish for friends or think of something innovative while at work? It can be empowering and sometimes even thought-provoking to remember something you created and remember that you are full of incredible ideas!

6) Go-to Meals Page

    Coming up with new meals on a tight schedule feels like a strenuous effort at times, so jot down your quick and favorite bites (as well as their ingredients) so you can have a little bit of variety right on hand when short on time.

7) Things I Learned (This Month) Page

    Take some time at the end of your month to think about what worked, what didn’t, and what you can improve upon to make your days increasingly better. Sometimes, I’ll share an inspiring story that I heard and the “lesson” so to say that I took away from it, or I’ll even jot down a trick for saving money while shopping online that I picked up from a blog I read.
The options are endless, so figure out what you prefer and share it with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/belydiabefaithful 
7 Ways to Spice Up Your Bullet Journal. Inspiration and Ideas to create the pages of your bullet journal.  #layout #ideas #inspiration
7 Ways to Spice Up Your Bullet Journal. Inspiration and Ideas to create the pages of your bullet journal.  #layout #ideas #inspiration
7 Ways to Spice Up Your Bullet Journal. Inspiration and Ideas to create the pages of your bullet journal.  #layout #ideas #inspiration
7 Ways to Spice Up Your Bullet Journal with Examples of Bullet Journaling
7 Ways to Spice Up Your Bullet Journal with Examples of Bullet Journaling